La gorilla più solo del mondo rimarrà ancora nella sua gabbia a Bangkok. Qui è imprigionata in un centro commerciale da quando aveva solamente un anno. La società che "si occupa" della gorilla potrebbe essere disposta a venderla a una cifra esorbitante. Questo il costo per la sua libertà
30 milioni di baht, l’equivalente di 790.000 euro. Questo potrebbe essere il prezzo della libertà per la femmina di gorilla Bua Noi, l’ultimo esemplare della Thailandia, rinchiusa da ormai 33 anni in una sudicia gabbia di cemento in un centro commerciale di Bangkok.
La gorilla più triste del mondo è arrivata a Bangkok quando aveva solamente un anno. Adesso ne avrebbe poco più di 33, tutti passati dietro le sbarre in solitudine senza poter vedere la luce del sole, in un ambiente freddo e privo di vegetazione.
Last week, I had the opportunity to visit Bua Noi, the only gorilla in Thailand. This is Bua Noi looks like today.Bua Noi was sent from Germany to a private zoo in Thailand in 1992 when she was only three years old. She is now 38. By a gorilla's natural cycle of life, she is now entering old age.Since Bua Noi has been here, she has brought a lot of entertainment for several generations of tourists. For decades, she has provided smiles and laughter to children, many who, as adults now, have brought their own children to see Bua Noi again. The sight of Bua Noi has thrilled and impressed people over the years, but now they have forgotten her languished state.Thirty five years already , she is still in the same place. Alone, in the same room that has held her captive since arrival. Will she ever actually have the chance to see the real sky, sun on her weathered skin, and rain falling down like tears on her emptiness.She is in the final stages of her life. If Bua Noi's eyes say anything, does she not implore us for an opportunity to experience the natural world beyond her bars, a chance for a home that reflects her status as a true citizen of this earth ? Her rights stripped from her for a lifetime, by no fault of her own, it is time to restore them, so that she can see the sky, the stars and the sun again before she leaves this planet forever. Mercy and Kindness should lead the discourse in considering the days ahead of her. Let us weigh heavily on the side of Justice to restore this precious life to a semblance of dignity in a natural environment. Bua Noi doesn't have much time left. Release her to a suitable home for a Gorilla.#buanoi #savethegorilla อาทิตย์ที่ผ่านมาดิฉันได้มีโอกาสไปเยี่ยมบัวน้อย ลิงกอริลลา หนึ่งเดียวของประเทศไทย นี่คือสภาพของบัวน้อยในวันนี้ บัวน้อยเป็นกอริลล่าที่ส่งมาจากประเทศเยอรมันนีมาอยู่ที่สวนสัตว์เอกชนในประเทศไทยในปี 2535 ซึ่งในขณะนั้นเธอมีอายุเพียง สามขวบเท่านั้นและมาถึงในปีนี้เธอมีอายุได้ 38 ปีแล้ว ถ้าเป็นวงจรอายุตามธรรมชาติของกอริลลานั่นหมายถึงเธอย่างเข้าสู่วัยชรา บัวน้อยได้มาอยู่ที่นี่ได้สร้างความสุขความบันเทิงมากมาให้กับคนรุ่นแล้วรุ่นเล่า เธอสร้างรอยยิ้มและเสียงหัวเราะให้กับเด็กๆ ซึ่งหลายคนอาจจะกลายเป็นผู้ใหญ่และมีครอบครัว ชีวิตได้เปลี่ยนแปลงขึ้นและนำลูกของตัวเองมาดูบัวน้อยอีกครั้ง หลายคนที่เคยตื่นเต้นและประทับใจที่ได้เห็นกอริลล่า แต่วันนี้พวกเขาอาจจะลืมบัวน้อยไปแล้ว วันนี้เธอยังอยู่ที่เดิม อยู่อย่างโดดเดี่ยวและห้องเดิมที่เธออยู่มาสามสิบห้าปีแล้วและเธอยังคงไม่รู้ว่าเมื่อไหร่เธอจะได้มีโอกาสได้เห็นท้องฟ้าจริงๆสักครั้งก่อนตายกอริลลามีอายุโดยเฉลี่ย 35-40 ปี นั่นหมายถึงเธอก้าวเข้าสู่ช่วงสุดท้ายของชีวิต ถ้าบัวน้อยพูดได้เธอคงจะพูดผ่านซี่กรงมาถามพวกเราว่า เธอจะได้มีคำหวังของคำว่าโอกาสบ้างไหม โอกาสในการได้ไปอยู่บ้านหลังใหม่ที่ได้อยู่ท่ามกลางธรรมชาติสีเขียว ได้เห็นท้องฟ้า ดวงดาวและแสงอาทิตย์ เธอสร้างความสุขให้กับผู้คนมามากพอแล้ว เราพอจะช่วยกันหยิบยื่นโอกาสนี้ให้กับเธอได้ไหม โอกาสของบัวน้อยมาจากคำว่า เมตตาเท่านั้น บัวน้อยเหลือเวลาไม่มากแล้ว ได้โปรดปล่อยบัวน้อยไปอยู่พื้นที่สมควรและเหมาะสมกับกอริลลาเถอะค่ะTOP Varawut – ท็อป วราวุธ ศิลปอาชา
Posted by Saengduean Lek Chailert on Thursday, July 14, 2022
Molte Ong internazionali, tra cui la PETA, hanno intrapreso tutte le strade possibili per ottenere la custodia del gorilla e trasferirlo in un santuario. Anche la cantante Cher si era attivata per la sua liberazione. (Leggi anche: Cher chiede allo zoo thailandese di liberare il gorilla Bua Noi, rinchiuso solo e da 30 anni in un centro commerciale)
Da allora però malgrado le pressioni esterne e la petizione Save Gorilla Little Lotus su nulla è cambiato. Secondo quanto riferiscono alcune fonte locali la società che gestisce il Pata Zoo nel centro commerciale di Bangkok avrebbe negato di aver stabilito un prezzo per questa gorilla, non essendo disposta a cederla.
Ogni animale allo zoo di Pata è condannato all’ergastolo, una punizione che non viene nemmeno condannata in Thailandia per i reati più gravi. L’unico crimine di questi animali è quello di essere diversi dagli umani, commenta Peta Asia.
È così a Bangkok come in ogni zoo del mondo. Per Bau Noi, il cui nome significa “piccolo loto”, la libertà appare solamente un sogno. Molti visitatori hanno denunciato le condizioni disumane in cui gli animali vengono tenuti in questo centro commerciale.
Every animal in this concrete hell is serving a life sentence – even violent criminals have shorter sentences and better conditions. It’s time to end the immense suffering at Pata Zoo and shut this place down!
— PETA Asia (@PETAAsia) October 25, 2022
Per una specie così sociale come i gorilla l’isolamento in un ambiente artefatto è estremamente stressante e penoso. Questi primati vivono in media tra i 40 e i 50 anni.
Per tutta la sua esistenza Bua Noi è stata invece segregata in una gabbia. È ora di concederle la libertà affinché possa trascorrere il tempo che le rimane lontano da ogni forma di sfruttamento. Un altro anno è appena iniziato e per lei nulla sembra essere cambiato.
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