Bandit non può più usare le sue zampe posteriori, ma ha imparato pian piano a muoversi con il suo carrellino nella sua casa temporanea, il Small But Mighty Rescue di Campobello, Carolina del Sud, che si occupa di salvare e fare adottare cagnolini di taglia piccola con storie e vicende difficili.
È arrivato qui tre settimane fa dopo essere stato investito da un’auto. Ha 12 anni e sta imparando a vivere solo con le sue zampe anteriori. Soffre di un’estrema ansia da separazione, perché le uniche persone che conosceva si sono sbarazzate di lui dopo questo orribile incidente, senza curarlo adeguatamente.
“Bandit è dolcissimo e deve sapere che le persone possono essere gentili e amare e la vita è ancora piacevole. Non sappiamo tutto del suo passato, ma sappiamo che la gente lo ha deluso più volte. Sembra che sia stato lasciato in una gabbia o in una zona riservata per la maggior parte del tempo dopo l’incidente”. Senza ricevere cure, a quanto pare.
Ama coccolarsi sul divano e ora cerca una famiglia amorevole in cui vivere. Buona fortuna, piccoletto!
Bandit is starting to use his wheels! 🙌🏼 I always try and put myself in a rescues mindset to help determine what will work best for them. And with this sweet guy being dealt a REALLY crappy hand after being hit by a car, left to heal on his own with no medical help and then abandoned he needs extra attention. 🤬 Some rescues do great at SBM and some do not. Bandit REALLY will do best in a home not a rescue. Bandit is such a sweet guy and needs to know that people can be kind and loving and life is still enjoyable. We don’t know everything about Bandits past but we know people have let him down several times. It appears that he was left in a cage or restricted area for most of the time after his accident because he’s sore from using muscles again. But he’s determined to figure it out! Bandit loves to cuddle on the couch with his human and would very much appreciate a loving and kind home to live in. Please continue to share Bandits story!! 🙏 #pleaseshare #share #pleasesharethis #reacuedogsofinstagram #rescuedogsarethebestdogs #rescueisbest #rescuedog #rescue #rescueismyfavoritebreed #dog #dogsofinstagram #dogswithdisabilities #chi #chihuahua #chihuahuasofinstagram #adoptdontshop #adopt #disability #disabilityawareness #wheels #wheelsfordogs #dogswithdisabilities #bandit #campobello #sparklecity #spartanburgsc #yeahthatgreenville #offthegridgreenville #iongreenville #scpets #petfinder
Posted by Small But Mighty Dog Rescue on Monday, May 24, 2021
Bandit is doing his version of laps around the pool and everyone is cheering 📣 him on!! Wooot! Go Bandit! 🙌🏼💕😀🏊♀️🏊🐢🐠👏🏼Call or text Liz to find out how to adopt Bandit! 734-673-0467 #bandit #yougotthis #laps #lapswimming #go #woohoo #special #specialneeds #specialneedsdog #obstacles #overcome #overcomeobstacles #rescuedogsofinstagram #rescuedog #rewardingjourneys #rewarding #dog #dogstories #dogstory #dogswithdisabilities #doglife #spreadlove #spreadpositivity #style #onedayatatime
Posted by Small But Mighty Dog Rescue on Wednesday, May 26, 2021